Dorothy’s Story – FHSC

April 9, 2024

Dorothy lives in the small, rural community of Jacob City in Jackson County, FL where the closest grocery store is over 10 miles away. For a community that is predominantly seniors, disabled veterans, and low-income families, this is a barrier for lots of families to receive the healthy food they need.

Dorothy came to the distribution with her daughter and her grandson Demari (age 3). Her daughter is a single mom and works overtime and still doesn’t make enough to pay for all her bills and food for their family. They try to go to food distributions when they see them so they can stretch their budgets further.

“Everything is just too expensive; I can’t afford to drive all that way to the store and get the good and healthy stuff I know my family should be eating” said Dorothy’s daughter.

“Fresh fruit is the most expensive at the store, healthy is the most expensive at the store. We just can’t afford it. This is the best distribution I have ever been to. “We don’t get fresh strawberries, apples, and other fruits that often,” said Dorothy.

Her grandson, Demari, loves strawberries and was so excited to get to go home and eat them.

Because of our partnership with Walmart and Sam’s, many of our neighbors are able to get nutritious food for their families, like the delicious strawberries Demari is so excited about, and help to alleviate the hunger of our neighbors within the Big Bend.

This year marks the 11th annual Walmart and Sam’s Club Fight Hunger. Spark Change. (FHSC) campaign, which runs from April 1st to April 29th 2024. The objective of FHSC is to increase awareness of our shared commitment to fight hunger and raise funds for local Feeding America partner food banks.

To learn how you can be a part of the Fight Hunger. Spark Change, please go to