Faces of Our Food Bank: Emmanuel Routsis

July 2, 2024

What do you do at the Food Bank?

I am the Agency Relations Manager, so the short story is I oversee all of our partner agencies. There are a number of different things we do based on the timing of the year. There are yearly and biannual compliance visits we make with partners, SNAP ED events we attend, etc. We review the calendar each month, but I typically make my to-do list and see what needs to be done. My job is mainly working out details with delivery and working with partners to make sure that their operations are running smoothly. 

How did you end up in this role?

I did my master’s in social work internship here (MSW). One of the last tasks I did during my internship was helping to write a grant for a new data intake software. We received the grant, and with it came an Agency Relations Coordinator position that I applied for and was able to get. And a few months afterward, the position of Agency Relations Manager opened up and I got this position. 

What is your favorite part about your job?

My favorite part about this position is mainly working with everybody, both interdepartmentally and with other outside entities. I love that this position allows us to collaborate with other nonprofits and get out in the community to help people. Internally, we are all making decisions for that purpose. So, I love that this position is kind of like a medium between those two things.  

What motivated you to fight hunger?

I have always wanted to help people. I think that is a very human thing and what better way to help people than to provide access to their most basic human right—food? But also, it is an opportunity. It is an experience and I love experiences.  

Favorite memory?

We have our teams playing flag football and softball in the city league, which is a lot of fun. That was a good time. The first time I drove a truck was fun. I have driven some before for volunteer work I used to do, but it was fun to do it and get paid for it.  

What do you do in your free time?

Rest. Sleep is good. I go kayaking a lot. I love the outdoors. Some buddies and I are going on a trip in two weeks to kayak some more of the Suwannee River. We kayaked about 40 miles. I love rock climbing. Making music is also fun. I am in a band, and we play live music.