Dried Plum and Walnut Oatmeal

March 18, 2024


  • 1 cup Old Fashion Oats, Dry
  • 1 cup Dried Plums, Pitted
  • ½ cup Walnuts
  • 1 ¾ cup water
  • 1 TSP Allspice

Cooking Instructions

  • Chop up dried plums into small chunks and add a to small saucepan.
  • Add water to saucepan with dried plums and heat until reaches a boil.
  • Once saucepan contents are at a boil, add allspice, add oats, and 2 pinches of salt. Stir and bring to a low boil (may need to reduce heat).
  • When desired texture is reached add chopped up walnuts, stir, and pull from heat.
  • Let it sit for a few minutes and enjoy!